Monthly Updates
This page is inspired by an assignment in Marie Poulin’s Notion Mastery Course (affiliate link) which was inspired by the Now movement. The page is a digital scrapbook of sorts laying out what I’m working on at any given time. I plan to update it monthly.

June 2022
June was a crazy whirlwind. The big highlight was a trip on Amtrak to Glacier National Park with my dad and sister. I also visited Portland, OR for business and I learned you can still get a cold in the time of COVID.

May 2022
In May, I received an Honorary Degree from Ivy Tech Richmond and Gayle and I took a cruise to the Bahamas that she bought me as a gift.

April 2022
In April, my new business, Monarch Strategies LLC, was in full swing. Business even took me on a trip to New York City so I got to check in with loads of friends there!