Photo by Eyestetix Studio on Unsplash
For many years I've participated in the 24 for 24 challenge that is anchored for me in the Happier podcast with Gretchen Rubin and Liz Craft. This is a list of "soft goals" that I would like to accomplish in the upcoming list. I find the list has, over the years, encouraged me to have more fun and to focus on my intentions and desired outcomes more. I'm doing two things different this year regarding my list (well really 3, but one of them is on the list):
I'm keeping work stuff completely separate from my personal stuff. While this does create a second list of 24 things, it also promotes better boundaries which is the ultimate form of self care. It also helped me clarify what I consider "the work." As such, I have a separate 24 for 24 list for my company, Monarch Strategies LLC. You can check that out here.
I've proposed to my housemate and to my family that we also create shared 24 for 24 lists. Most of the ones for the family are likely things we know will happen but the ones for my housemate and I will bring up some good conversations. The one with my housemate will be a mix of some personal but mostly shared things. Again, these will be separate shared lists so there won't be any crossover (with one exception which is the item I'm adding into my list this year.)
So, let's kick things off with that item.
Review my 24 for 24 lists every month on the 24th of the month and update my progress.
Kick cancer's ass by finishing treatment and doing everything I can to keep myself healthy and to prevent side effects and mitigate long term damage.
Host a Bye, Bye Cancer Housewarming party in the summer or fall (this may also cross over to the shared list with my housemate)
Send at least one card each week. Hold yourself accountable by making a checklist and adding a task to your to do list.
Test out recipes for biscuits until you find the one you consider perfect.
Take a trip to New York to see my nephew as soon as it's safe for me to fly again.
Get back into the habit of holding a financial date with myself on the 15th of each month.
Earn a 365 day streak in DuoLingo.
Live my reading life plans for 2024 (I'll talk more about these in a future post.)
Participate in at least 2 5Ks this year (I've already signed up for 1!). For right now I'm focused on virtual 5Ks but I hope by the end of the year to be doing at least one in person 5K. I just love the atmosphere of them so much.
Earn at least 30 hive streak weeks (publishing something on Hive every day for 7 days)
Celebrate the solar eclipse on April 8 in a meaningful way.
Start a regular journaling habit (at least 3 days a week; preferably every day)
Participate in #Write24in24 - also from Gretchen Rubin
Do a Happiness Project in 2024 - also a Gretchen Rubin inspired thing
Travel to Michigan with my family this summer
Take a trip with my best friend as soon as I feel up to it.
Create and publish at least 26 videos this year on my YouTube channel (averaging one every two weeks). This could technically be a work thing but I love doing it and mostly it's personal at the moment.
Get back into Kona's training so we can become a therapy team.
Write and Publish the Endometrial Cancer Field Guide.
Re-establish my habit of weekly planning in Obsidian and my digital planner.
Try out at least one new recipe each month.
Learn Python coding using LinkedIn Learning and other resources I have available to me.
Continue working on handwriting the Bible; aim for 5 days or more a week.
Do you make new year's resolutions? Do you set plans at the beginning of the year? If so, what are you planning for next year that you're willing to put out in public?